Top 9 E-Commerce Trends 2022

We can all agree that the past couple of years have been challenging during which the saying survival of the fittest applies. Speaking on a health level, business level and lifestyle overall.
With a pandemic, lockdowns and a rollercoaster of changes occurring to our daily routine, it is safe to say that humans are built to adapt, find solutions and keep moving forward regardless of the situation.
So instead of chaos, solutions were invented especially to meet the needs of people around the world. Needless to say, the online platforms were hitting their highest trends during the past two years and whoever made it to 2022 jumped on the train at the right time with the right solutions.
During such an advanced era of technology, eCommerce was the safest place to maintain a business. With the correct plans and team to implement these plans, any business can survive a pandemic, or even better make the best profits that his business has encountered in a while.
2022 trends you don't want to miss
As one of the best eCommerce store development companies, Lumina is always up to date with all the solutions and work closely to ensure satisfying results. Our team offers advanced techniques and services with a rich background to meet and exceed our clients' expectations.
We will take you below through the top 9 eCommerce trends that will enhance your sales and pave the way to a bright future in your business.
1-Consumer behavior
Consumer behavior is continuously changing, especially after coronavirus. Purchasing items that are of interest from the comfort of your home is a dream come true. People tend to spend money on housing items, and office equipment more than spending on traveling for example, this alone shows that the purchasing behavior has shifted to a safer zone and to necessary items that people use on daily basis.
So whether you sell clothes, electronics, furniture, or medical supplies..., welcome to the best days that your business will be having. Going online and offering your products either in your area or to the world to purchase is a huge and important step towards the future of your business.
2-Sell on mobiles
Having an eCommerce website is crucial for any business, but optimizing your website for mobile use is an essential feature to keep track of your competitors and avoid falling behind.
Most of your targeted audience own smartphones, and yes they will try to access your website through their mobiles. By making your online store mobile responsive, you will increase the chances of sales by reaching a larger audience. This will also help you decrease the bounce rate and abandoned purchases.
3-Presence on social media
Social media has become a source of purchase and a trusted platform for Gen Z and millenials, who follow the lead of inspirational people and influencers and get inspired and lured to purchase certain items, thus making social media platforms their pre-purchase stop.
On some platforms like Instagram and TikTok the payment is made simple through the integration of the online store with these social media networks.
4-Video content and live streaming
Video content is a way of increasing your sales and offering interesting content to your potential audience while marketing your products and moving the attention towards the purchase of certain products, thus enhancing the ROI. Likewise, live shopping enables you to display your products and bond with the viewers, which will make them potential customers thanks to creating this human connection. Live stream sales are a trend this year and for the few upcoming years!
5-Voice search
Creating an attractive and flawless journey on your online store is essential, but we can also add to that by optimizing your eCommerce website to voice search and enabling your potential audience to find you via voice search and giving them a new and interesting experience. We are still not sure of the impact of this trend on SEO, but we surely know that it affects the keywords and keeps you ahead of your competitors.
6-Sell your products on a marketplace
Affiliating your products with a marketplace increases your chances of spreading your brand to a larger audience, which results in better brand awareness and sales.
7-Sustainable eCommerce
Respecting the environment is a way of showing your customers that you care, not only about their satisfaction but also about the planet. Finding solutions to decrease the harm to nature while processing your orders is a way of telling people that by buying your products they are saving the earth rather than buying from another similar store.
8-Shipping and delivery
Making a deal with a decent courier service saves you time and ensures customer satisfaction. People tend to cancel and never buy again from suppliers who delay their deliveries. Shipping and delivery companies are a must to deliver your goods intact and on time.
9-Plan your marketing strategies but with flexibility
With all the changes that we have faced in the past two years, we learned that marketing campaigns are a must to keep your business going. So is a flexible strategy and a flexible budget. Knowing that your customers' needs are changing, it is important to understand that what was a good marketing strategy might no longer be interesting after a while, so keep your options open and stay flexible when it comes to changes.
Final Words
As confusing as the changes have been, knowing the trends and understanding the new rules will keep your business on the safe side and help you stand out among a long list of competitors.
Seize the opportunity and drop us a message for a free online consultation!